jeudi 13 décembre 2007

The beginning of the school year

The first day was very stressful. I didn’t know the people in the class. I felt alone, but every new at school year is similar. Luckily I have got nice teachers. In my class we are twenty-one students, they are likeable. At the first week in easy lesson we did presentations. At the begin we were a little lost, because we had forgot some theory because of the vacation. It is difficult to get back to work. When I had the first tests I was afraid, because I didn’t know how the teachers would prepare the questions. The first notes are important to see if we must study more.
I am happy to be in High school. I think that the school is an interesting stage and very important in our life. I prefer biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. It’s rare to find someone who likes these lessons too.
At the school I feel well. I organize my daily life around school. It’s my life.

Mississippi burning ( movie ) correction

At begin of the film, there are two cars. The second car is following the first. One car stops the next one. In the second car, there are policemen. In the first car, there are two white men and a black man. A policeman kills the white driver, because this white man was a friend with a black person.
After few days, two agents from FBI come to Mississippi to find these three men who have disappeared. The police in this town try to prevent them from finding them. There are some fires scare the agents. A few days later, the two agents find the car belonging to the three missing men disappeared in a tide. The white police continued to affray the two agents and the black people. A white group hit the black persons when they left the church.
On a day, a policeman wife reveals where the three dead bodies are to one of the FBI agent. When her husband learns about this, he beats her up.
At end, all bad people in this story go to the prison.

My opinion about this movie

In the film, we can see the differences, in Mississippi, between black and white people. It’s a very good movie. There are some examples about the violence from white persons. In this village, there is a place for black people and another place for the white people.

the correct text 2 about where I live and my daily life

Hello, Ratasha Boll,

I am going to write about where I live.
I live in an appartment on the second floor. It's large, there are four rooms: a
kitchen and three bedrooms. There is a bathroom too. I've got a bedroom to myself.
In my bedroom there is a bed, a desk, my computer and my school books. In the
kitchen, there is a refrigerator, a freezer, a table, there are four chairs, some
cupboards and a stove. My building has got five floors and it's made out of concrete.
My neighborhood is next to the city. There are a lot of shops and some buildings. The
people are very nice. I'm going to write about my daily life. In the morning, I get
up at 6 am, I wash my face and brush my hair. After that, I take breakfast with my
father, my mother and my brother. While I'm having, my breakfast I watch television. I
take my bag and I go to the stop bus. I take the bus and I go to school. At 12h30 I
have lunch. After the school, I come home. I take my snack and I listen to music.
After that I do my homework and I watch television. At 8 pm, my family and I have
dinner. Then I take a shower, I brush my teeth and my hair. I go to bed and sleep.

Best wishes

dimanche 2 décembre 2007

My begin of the school

The first day was very stressful. I didn’t know all people in the class. I felt
alone, but each begin at school it is similar. Luckily I have got nice teachers. In my
class we are twenty-one students, they are likeable. At the first week in easy lesson
we did presentations. At the begin we are a little lost, because we forgot some theory
because of the vacation. It does hard begin again to study. When I had the first tests
I was afraid, because I didn’t know how the teachers do the questions. The first notes
are important to see if we must study more.
I am happy to be at the college. I think that the school is a stage interesting
and very important in our life. I prefer biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics.
It’s rare to find someone who likes these lessons too.
At the school I feel well. I organize my daily life about the college. It’s my life.

dimanche 25 novembre 2007

Mississippi burning ( movie )

Mississippi burning

At begin of the film, there are two cars. The second car is following the first.

They stop the cars. In the second car, there are some policemen. In the first car,

there are two white men and a black man. A policeman kills the white driver,

because this white man was a friend with a black person.

After few days, two agents from FBI come to Mississippi to find this three

persons who are disappeared. The police in this village try to prevent them. There

are some fires from this police to affray the agents, but they can’t. A few days later,

the two agents find the car for the three persons disappeared in a tide. The white

police continued to affray the two agents and the black people. A white group hit the

black persons when they left the church.

On a day, a policeman wife says where the three dead bodies are to an agent.

When her man knows that, he hits her with violence.

At end, all bad people in this story go to the prison.

My opinion about this movie

In the film, we can see the differences, in Mississippi, with black and white

people. It’s a very good movie. There are some examples about the violence from

white persons. In this village, there is a place for black people and an other place for

the white people.

jeudi 11 octobre 2007

the correct text about where I live and my daily life

I live in an appartment on the second floor. It's large, there are four rooms: a kitchen and three bedrooms. There is a bathroom too. I've got a bedroom for me only . In my bedroom there is a bed, a desk, my computer and my school books . In the kitchen, there is a refrigerator, a freezer, a table, there are four chairs, some cupboards and a stove.My building has got five floors and it's made out of concrete.My neighborhood is next to the city. There are a lot of shops and some buildings. The people are very nice.I'm going to write you about my daily life. In the morning, I get up at 6 am, I wash my face and brush my hair. After that I take my breakfast with my father,my mother and my brother. While I'm having my breakfast I watch television. I take my bag and I go to the stop bus. I take the bus and I go to school. At12h30 I have lunch. After the school I come home. I take my snack and I listen to music. After that I do my homework and I watch television. At 8 pm my family and I have dinner. Then I take a shower, I brush my teeth and my hair. I go to bed and sleep.

samedi 6 octobre 2007

Where I live and my daily life

I live in an appartment, it's in the second floor. It's large, there are four rooms: a kitchen and three bedrooms. There is a bathroom too. I've got a bedroom for only me. In my bedroom there is a bed, a desk, my computer and my books of the school. In the kitchen there is a refrigerator, a freezer, a table, four chairs, some cupboards and a cooker.
My building has got five floors and it's about concrete.
My neighborhood is next to the city. There are a lot of shops and some buildings. The people are very nice.
I'm going to write you about my daily life. In the morning I get up at 6 o'clock, I wash my face and brush my hair. After that I take my breakfast with my father, my mother and my brother. During I'm taking my breakfast I watch television. I take my bag and I go to the stop bus. I take the bus and I go to school. At 12h30 I take my lunch. After the school I come home. I take my snack and I listen to music. After that I make my homework and I watch television. At 20 o'clock I with my family take the diner. Than I take my shower, I brush my tooth and my hair. I go to bed and sleep.

mardi 4 septembre 2007

Letter about Erkan ( Sandra, G2E)

Erkan is seventeen years old. He comes from Turkey. For the future, he wants to be a Geography teacher. His hobbies are basketball and swim, but he prefers to play basketball. He has got two older brothers. In his house, he has got a rabbit, a lot of fishs and a tortoise. He has got visited Italy, Germany, France and Turkey.He likes all kind of music, but he doesn't play a musical instrument. At college, he likes physics and gymnastics. After school, he sees his girlfriend. He likes summer, but he prefers winter.He has got a lot of friends. He doesn't watch too much television, but he likes playing on the computer and surfing in Internet. He goes to school by bus. (Sandra, G2E)

Text for my english teacher

Dear Nathalie Pahud,
My name is Sandra and I am sixteen. I come from Portugal. I am the youngest in my family. I have got a brother, he is tweenty-two years old and he likes romantic music.I like watching television, listening to music and playing on the computer. I study at college.
For the future, I want to be a nurse. I like studying, because it is interesting and very important. I have lived in Geneva for four years and I think that it is a very nice country. I am not very sporty, but I like sport, it is good for the body. My bestfriend is Marina, she is sixteen years old too. I don't like shopping, because it is boring. I have never been to California and Germany, but I think that it is interesting to travel around the world. At college, I prefer scientific classes. For christmas, I like going to see the snow in the mountain. I can't ski and I can't swim either, but it isn't very important. ( Sandra, G2E)