jeudi 13 décembre 2007

Mississippi burning ( movie ) correction

At begin of the film, there are two cars. The second car is following the first. One car stops the next one. In the second car, there are policemen. In the first car, there are two white men and a black man. A policeman kills the white driver, because this white man was a friend with a black person.
After few days, two agents from FBI come to Mississippi to find these three men who have disappeared. The police in this town try to prevent them from finding them. There are some fires scare the agents. A few days later, the two agents find the car belonging to the three missing men disappeared in a tide. The white police continued to affray the two agents and the black people. A white group hit the black persons when they left the church.
On a day, a policeman wife reveals where the three dead bodies are to one of the FBI agent. When her husband learns about this, he beats her up.
At end, all bad people in this story go to the prison.

My opinion about this movie

In the film, we can see the differences, in Mississippi, between black and white people. It’s a very good movie. There are some examples about the violence from white persons. In this village, there is a place for black people and another place for the white people.

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