jeudi 22 mai 2008

Correction suicide:"The freedom writers diary"

These are students diaries. The students are from Wilson High School in Long Beach, in California. They speak about their lives and their issues. The teacher, Ms. Gruwell, helps them.

I am going to speak about suicide. In the United-States, the number of suicides is 30 622 in 2001, one suicide every 18 minutes. In Zwitzerland, ther are 1 300 suicides per year, four suicides a day. The majority of the suicides are teenagers. I have choosen diary 58 in page 120. This passage is about suicide. There is someone who compares a book about Hodlens friends suicide with a moment in his own life.
The analysies of the passage: In the class, they are reading The Catcher in the Rey. Holden Caufield speaks about his friend's suicide. He is upset about his friend's death. Before this student didn't think about the consequences or the effect that this illness would have on anyone. For two years, the student has been tormented by suicide.
When he was four, his mother was diagnosed as clinically depressed because of a chemical imbalance. In this clinic, she had medical attention and she was cured thanks to a drug treatment called Amitriptylin. This illness has tourmented all the family.He thinks always about suicide. This illness takes control of him. One day, he and his mother had a huge argument. He got in the kitchen and attempted to commict suicide.

We can relate this passage to the movie:"A little sunshine". In this film, the Oncle Frank is depressed and has attempt to commict suicide, because his boyfriend left him and he was fired.

I am going to speak a little about Amitriptylin. This is an antidepressant medication who helps to prevent suicidal attemps. There are some symptoms, for example: panic, attacks, trouble sleeping and irritability.

I think that it was interesting to know their lives.
The number of suicides are very scary.

jeudi 15 mai 2008

The suicide in:"The freedom writers diary"

This is a book about students diaries in California at Wilson High School in Long Beach. They speak about their life, their problems. The teacher, Ms. Gruwell, change them. They begin better.
I'm going to speak about suicide. In the United-States, the number of suicides is 30 622 in 2001, one suicide each 18 minutes. In Switzerland, there are 1300 suicides for year, four suicides a day. The majority of the suicides are about teenagers.
I've choosen the diary 58 in page 120. This passage is about suicide. There is someone who compare a book about Hodlens friends suicide with a moment in his life. The analyse of the passage: In the class, they are reading the catcher in the Rey. Holden Caufield speaks about his friends suicide. He aws upset about his friends death. Before, this student didn't think about the consequences or the effect that this illness would have on anyone. For two years, the student has been tormented by the suicide. When he was four, his mother was diagnosed as clinically depressed because of a chemical imbalance. In this clinic, she had medical attention and she was cured thanks to a grug treatment who called Amitriptylin. This illness has tourmented all the family. He thinks always about suicide. This illness takes control of him. One day, he and his mother had a huge argument. He get in the kitchen and has attempt to commict suicide.
We can relate this passage to the movie:" A little sunshine". In this film, the Oncle Frank is depressed and has attempt to commict suicide, because his boyfriend left him and he was fired.
I think that it was interesting to know their lives. The number of suicides are very scaries.

jeudi 7 février 2008

Few questions about the Freedom Writers ( amélioré et 2ème corrigé )

1. Why did Ms Gruwell have the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust and meet Holocaust survivors?
Ms. Gruwell had the Freedom Writers study the Holocaust, the theme was race and the Jews. The Freedom Writers do the same between them. She wants them to meet Holocaust survivors to give them an example. Holocaust says them his story, he lived in the discrimination. For example in the diary 36: " I am not going to understand because they don't understand me! I thought I was a smart-ass for asking her this question." She said: " You haven't even bothered to open the front cover. Try it, you never know. The book may come to life before your eyes." Diary entry 4: " My once apathetic students seemed to transform themselves into scholars with a conscience.

2. How did the Freedom Writers relate to Anne Frank? Give examples.
The Freedom Writers are very interested in reading this book. They compare the story in the book to their life. For example, in the diary 36: " Just like her, I knew the feeling of discrimination and to be looked down upon based on the way you look. Just like her, I sometimes feel like a bird in a cage and just want to fly away."
Diary 37: " Like Anne and Zlata, I have an enemy who is gung-ho for dictatorsship: my father."
Diary 38: " Zlata and I seem to have a lot in common because while Zlata was living though a war in Sarajevo..."

3. In what way Zlata Filipovic impacted the students’ lives? Give examples from several writers. What really surprised the Freedom writers?
Zlata Filipovic lived the same things as the Freedom writers did. For example in diary 37, they compare their life with Zlata and Frank : " I'm beginning to realize that Anne Frank, Zlata Filipovic, and I have a lot in common.

Diary 38, they compare their evenements with Zlata : " Zlata and I both had to hide for our safety."

Diary 39, they say that they aren't alone : " I believe we should all be aware of, and also to realize that we are not alone."

Diary 40, they want to know Zlata : " I began to hope that Zlata really would come to meet us, but for now, all I and the rest of our classmates could do was keep writing and keep our fingers crossed."

The Freedom writers were surprised that Zlata came to meet them.

4.In diary 47, the writer says: ”Now if you ask me what race I am, like Zlata, I’ll simply say, “I’m a human being.””How could you explain that quote? Do you relate to it?
This writer thinks race doesn't exist. It's a surprising and important quote.

dimanche 3 février 2008

Freedom Writers Diary correction

I would like to invite Agatha Christie, because she gives examples from the real life in her books. We would learn to live happily.It's important to read books about different people, because if we know more abpout people or about what they think it will be easier to understand the world.
If we break from stereotypes like the Freedom Writers did with the help of their teachers, we can be ourselves. It's important to live happily.
The freedom writers are Black, Asian, African-American and Caucasian."The hood" is dangerous, there is drug and violence,gangsters, gangs.
The role the students' parents play in their lives:Diary 23:"My mom obviously thought I was going to school. She had no idea that I had been ditching since the first day of class." The parents do nothing, because they think that their children are fine.
It was terrible to realize that some of the students had spent time in Juvenile Hall.
In diary 13, he refers to the true meaning of the movie. Nous commençons à comprendre la vraie signification et ne pas juger un livre sur la couverture.
The problems the freedom writers face are race, violence in the bus, in the neighborhood, at school, in the family, and the most important one: poverty.
In diary 6, she is very unhappy, because one of her friends is laid to rest. It's not the first and not the last she lost. The next day nobody said anything about him. I was surprised.In diary 15, the student learns his teacher helps them to be more to have a positive attitude in their lives and to question things.

jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Freedom writers' diary

I would like to invite Agatha Christie, because she gives examples from the real life in her books. We would learn to live happily.
It's important to read books about different people, because if we know who is this person is or what she thinks it's easier to understand the world.
The dangers are after that nothing will be interesting or different. To break from stereotypes, we can be ourselves. It's important to live happily.
The freedom writers are Black, Asians, Africain-Americans.
The hood is dangerous, there is drugs, violent, gangsters, gangs.
Role do the students' parents play in their lives:
Diary 23:"My mom obviously thought I was going to school. She had no idea that I had been ditching since the first day of class." They do nothing, because they think that them sons are fine.
It was terrible that some of the students have been to juvenile homes.
In diary 13, he refers to the true meaning of the movie. Nous commençons à comprendre la vraie signification et ne pas juger un livre sur la couverture.
The problems the freedom writers face are race, the violence in the bus, in the neighborhood, the school, the family, the money.
In diary 6, she is very unhappy. It's not the first and not the last she lost. The next day nobody says about him. I was surprised.
In diary 15, the student learns his teacher helps them to be more positive in their life and to question thinks.

jeudi 24 janvier 2008

My February vacation

In February, I will be on vacation for a week. I am looking for this vacation, because I want to rest. During this week, I am going to watch television movies, do my homework, see my friends and sleep.

dimanche 6 janvier 2008

American history ex

In this movie, we see that in this country black and white people are separed. The white people hate the blacks. I noticed the difference with the race in the prison. The whites are privileged in all. They don’t hesitate to kill a person who is in the opposite race. We can notice a lot of examples about this violence.
This film is look like Mississippi burning. There are the same problems with the persons.