jeudi 31 janvier 2008

Freedom writers' diary

I would like to invite Agatha Christie, because she gives examples from the real life in her books. We would learn to live happily.
It's important to read books about different people, because if we know who is this person is or what she thinks it's easier to understand the world.
The dangers are after that nothing will be interesting or different. To break from stereotypes, we can be ourselves. It's important to live happily.
The freedom writers are Black, Asians, Africain-Americans.
The hood is dangerous, there is drugs, violent, gangsters, gangs.
Role do the students' parents play in their lives:
Diary 23:"My mom obviously thought I was going to school. She had no idea that I had been ditching since the first day of class." They do nothing, because they think that them sons are fine.
It was terrible that some of the students have been to juvenile homes.
In diary 13, he refers to the true meaning of the movie. Nous commençons à comprendre la vraie signification et ne pas juger un livre sur la couverture.
The problems the freedom writers face are race, the violence in the bus, in the neighborhood, the school, the family, the money.
In diary 6, she is very unhappy. It's not the first and not the last she lost. The next day nobody says about him. I was surprised.
In diary 15, the student learns his teacher helps them to be more positive in their life and to question thinks.

jeudi 24 janvier 2008

My February vacation

In February, I will be on vacation for a week. I am looking for this vacation, because I want to rest. During this week, I am going to watch television movies, do my homework, see my friends and sleep.

dimanche 6 janvier 2008

American history ex

In this movie, we see that in this country black and white people are separed. The white people hate the blacks. I noticed the difference with the race in the prison. The whites are privileged in all. They don’t hesitate to kill a person who is in the opposite race. We can notice a lot of examples about this violence.
This film is look like Mississippi burning. There are the same problems with the persons.